Sky Girls Ova Season 4 Summary (2025)

1. Sky Girls - Wikiheart Exelica Wiki

  • The Sky Girls battle as a group of four for the first time but Elise, occupied by vengeance, has problems working together as part of a team. Vic Viper is ...

  • Sky Girls (スカイガールズ Sukai Gaaruzu, also called Skygirls) began as a single episode OVA anime by Konami, directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and animated by J.C.Staff. The 30 minute episode was released in Japan on August 25, 2006. A television adaptation of Sky Girls started on July 5, 2007, and ended on January 11, 2008. Some fans considered as a knock off of Triggerheart Exelica due to the similarities of the characters, but it's more possible that they're influenced rather than being knock offs. The

2. Sky Girls Review - 82/100 - Star Crossed Anime

  • 10 jan 2008 · It's about living in the military, and how people deal with the relatives and loved ones that they leave behind. The main characters all have ...

  • The original Sky Girls OVA was just a tasteless fanservice-fest. Needless to say that I wasn’t that keen on checking out the full-length-series for the concept. Imagine my surprise when I found out that the creators had no intention to make this end up as the failure that was the OVA. Sky Girls is definitely … Continue reading Sky Girls Review – 82/100

3. Sky Girls OVA -

4. Sky Girls | The /ak/ Wiki - Fandom

  • The titular Sky Girls are a trio, then quartet, then quintet, of flying young girls with more weapons than clothing who fight invading monsters. ¿Sounds similar ...

  • Sky Girls is a mecha show that started out with a single episode, produced by Konami and released as an OVA. It later got adapted into a two-season series that aired betwen 2007 and 2008. The titular Sky Girls are a trio, then quartet, then quintet, of flying young girls with more weapons than clothing who fight invading monsters. ¿Sounds similar to Strike WItches? It should. Both shows share, among other things, the same character designer, Humikane Shimada (also character designer of Girls und

5. Sky Girls (OAV) - Anime News Network

6. Sky Girls (Anime) - TV Tropes

  • The 12 pilots of the new Sonic Diver unit show a varied group of girls with variued attires and personalities, that are bound to become an elite rescue unit of ...

  • In the latter half of the 21st century, Earth is threatened by creatures called WORMS, which are huge artificial life forms resembling the first thing they see—usually sea organisms. After a devastating war they seem to have been defeated, …

7. Sky Girls OVA — Lo Fanservice Inc. | M-rag -

  • 1 sep 2006 · The story is placed in a post apocalyptic world, aliens (called Worms in the anime) invaded, humanity united and pushed back the invasion threat.

  •   Well, Sky Girls was… Pro’lly the biggest waste of time I’ve spent this anime season. Truth be told, it’s wasn’t bad; but it certainly wasn’t a brilliant a…

8. Sky Girls -

  • In the near future, Earth is at war with aliens called Worms. The war leaves the population of Earth decimated, with young men the main casualties.

  • In the near future, Earth is at war with aliens called Worms. The war leaves the population of Earth decimated, with young men the main casualties. The Worms were beaten back but their re-emergence heralds the creation of a mecha unit called the Sonic Divers, piloted by 3 young girls to counter this threat.

Sky Girls Ova Season 4 Summary (2025)
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